Another part of Starwit’s product offering was published as open source. SmartParkingConfig or SPC is a tool, with which one can define observation areas. Those can be send to Starwit’s Awareness Engine and will then start observing how many objects are present in a certain region or crossing a defined threshold. A first use case of this tool, is collect data to manage parking spaces for vehicles. However many other use cases are possible so stay tuned!
Following image shows main application screen. Here you can define new areas for object detection and counting. Application supports geo-referenced observation areas as well as pixel-space frames of reference.

Next two images shows detail view for area detail definition – things like area location and polygons defining counting sections.

This software product is licensed under the AGPL license and source can be found at Github. Docker image is available on Docker Hub. Source Code is available at and Docker images can be found here: