At this year’s installment of HackHPI Starwit awareness engine (SAE) was used for one challange track. HPI – Hasso-Plattner-Institute does every year a hackathon challange, that provides opportunities for students to work on data and solutions from sponsoring businesses. Within (literal) 24 hours 19 teams worked intensively together to build prototypes. Supported by mentors (Anett, Florian and Markus from Starwit) and lots of sweets it was an amazing experience, what is possible to develop so quickly.

This year one of the challanges was to figure out how recorded data from SAE can be used to drive new business models and solutions for smarter cities? Results were judged by a jury and the winning team proposed to generate synthetic test data not using images but trajectories of moving objects. This way traffic simulations can become more accurate without the need of collecting more sensor data – with many applications in cities as well as in logistics.
So we like to thank the student team from HPI that organized this fantastic event and we all are looking forward to be on board next year – Let’s do something amazing!