With AI systems becoming more and more complex and taking over decisions with impactful consequences, putting humans in command becomes more important than ever. Explaining how systems work, which AI methods they use and most importantly how they […]
Proper education and training is the foundation of any successful technical product development. Our team is constantly growing skills and knowledge of everyone and thus training material is an inevitable result. As we believe in open source, example […]
Starwit’s Awarenes Engine (SAE) just got a new feature. Detected and tracked objects can now be mapped to geo-referenceable coordinates. This means, that any detected movement can now be placed on a map. The following video shows an […]
Another part of Starwit’s product offering was published as open source. SmartParkingConfig or SPC is a tool, with which one can define observation areas. Those can be send to Starwit’s Awareness Engine and will then start observing how […]


At this year’s installment of HackHPI Starwit awareness engine (SAE) was used for one challange track. HPI – Hasso-Plattner-Institute does every year a hackathon challange, that provides opportunities for students to work on data and solutions from sponsoring […]


With #Wolfsburg as home base Starwit builds #AI #software for smarter cities. Strong partners are a vital ingredient for success. So we are proud to be part of #Intel‘s #Liftoff program and have the city of Wolfsburg as a strong supporter. Jens Hofschröer the head of […]
Complex software systems, that use AI components are hard to understand and it can be difficult to explain how they work. As those systems are becoming more and more part of everyone’s life, explaining how they work and […]
Intel’s Tony Mongkolsmai did a podcast with Florian and Markus from Starwit and talked about AI, our open source software and how all of that has the potential to revolutionize traffic in smarter cities. Tony does among other […]
Open Source is about collaboration and thus staying in touch with everyone, using Starwit’s Awareness Engine very important. With some research projects already using SAE for algorithmic development exchange on latest additions, bugs and ideas is now spanning […]
Computer vision is still an area of great innovation and many yet unexplored applications. So bundling necessary components to run an image stream analyzing engine is still very handy. To address this need, software development team at Starwit […]